Nobel Prize laureate Kahneman within his inaugural book Thinking, slow and fast assembles human thinking into two methods:
System 1, quick, intuitive, plogical
System two, slow, deliberative, rational

Following spent several years incliqforexit appears to me there are two types of traders too:

Trader Group 1, instinctive, frequently trade manually, optional, favor the KISS principle
Trader Group two, logical, frequently apply auto system or commerce semi-auto, jumped by numbers math

You will find powerful traders in both classes, however kindly after one or more one of these philosophy would lead to only early detonation of your fiscal well-being, or even your spouse's fiery temper.

Why both overly easy too intrie method fails?

Too easy: lack of creativity and aggressive merits, also simple to take advantage of
ex. Functionality of SMA trend following system in 1950's and {}

Too complied: Too many factors, over-fitting yesteryear, no method to establish causality(Simpson's Paradox)
ex. Gazillion billion program that performed excellent in earlier times blows consideration once proceed live

Why, I am here to ask questions instead of answering them.

How can you discover the balance between overly easy too intrie?
How can you set causality?