The lower your expectations, the happier you will be. Linda Rashke

This public journal is intended to show that it is potential for retail Currency Market traders to be prosperous, and also to help me to exchange well. Hilmy83 motivates me to be transparent about my trading, to be honest with other people about what is possible in full-time trading, and also to show successes, struggles and my mistakes. Hope my journey is helpful to someone....

Talking of rules....One rule is, confirm market entries prior to yanking the trigger.: During one of my very first live trades I dropped a Real $1000 from unintentionally entering 20 Lots rather than 2 Lots and then hoping for three minutes that the trade would quickly arrive back prior to closing it. It did not come back, and I ate that $1000 reduction.

Saw this chart oncliqforexand needed to place it as art.