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  1. I'd like a # 3 and a small coffee the sandwich . ...

    I'd like a # 3 and a small coffee the sandwich . Thank you.
  2. 94840I'm sure there's a Broker or two with...

    94840I'm sure there's a Broker or two with individuals working these forums. On a day like Christmas Eve, also the transaction day and super light trading going to end and early 6000 non-members on...
  3. 20

    I was looking at this article from the 5th and...

    I was looking at this article from the 5th and forgot to answer to this...

    Very true... There has been a very clear reason behind this in 2009. You could jump on any move that is big and make...
  4. 20

    I hear what you're saying. Cool...

    I hear what you're saying. Cool...
  5. 20

    Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding as I mean no...

    Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding as I mean no harm but does negative thinking like that come about? Heck if it helped you to discover price action trading based on support, resistance,...
  6. 20

    Hi there, this is my first article. Hi to all. ...

    Hi there, this is my first article. Hi to all. I wanted to sign up for some time but never got around to it. This thread motivated me. In my article, I only want to be clear that I'm speaking...