Listed here are inevitable truths about trading (in my view). These are quite important details that can't be avoided and should not be ignored.

Here is my list. Feel free to add your own.


A1. It is a zero-sum game:

Your gain is another's loss (or a group of others). Likewise, your loss is another's gain (or a group of others). In his book, Trading for a Living, Dr. Alexander Elder clarifies that it's really a minus-sum game because of broker commissions. He believes the game to be performed only between sellers and buyers, so money is constantly leaking out to the agents as commission. Thus, it is really a game. Then it's a zero-sum game, in the event that you think about the agents as participants in the game.

A2. Banks and agents are profitable in the long run.

When they were not, they would not keep doing it. They are businesses, not charities. In fact, those that are not profitable (very rare) head out of business, and that means you're just addressing the ones who know what they're doing.

A3. Banks have resources than individual traders.

Just to name a few:They can see the order flow (because they are those processing the orders): This is their biggest advantage. Pockets: Very deep! Talented, experienced, professional traders: I imagine they simply keep the ones who are profitable. I presume the remainder get fired.
A4. (The Golden Axiom) Price moves in waves.

By waves I simply mean that it doesn't move in straight lines. It alternating between downs and ups. Ok, so this axiom applies to liquid markets. I guess there are occasions, viz. During news announcements, when this isn't quite true. However, looking at any given chart reveals this is accurate almost all of the time. I guess the rationale that cost moves in waves is since as cost goes up, a few traders will take their profit. Their selling (and desire to get out) pushes costs slightly lower. Whatever the reason is, there is obviously strong proof that this is an inevitable fact. Price moves in waves.

Theorems (Impliions)

T1. We can not win.
Proof: This can be a direct result of A1.

Impliions: You should literally steal money from other traders! Trading is extremely competitive. It is not supposed to be simple.

T2. As an individual trader, the odds are stacked against you.
Proof: A1, A2, and A3 #8212;gt; T2.

Impliions: To be able to be successful you want a very smart egy. (Clever does not necessarily mean complied.)

What about A4?
Axioms A1, A2, and A3 and Theorems T1 and T2 are fairly discouraging. Axiom A4 provides us hope. That's why I called it the gold axiom. The fact that cost moves in waves is, well, a actuality! It tells us something very important about the behaviour of price moves, and we can attempt to utilize that to be on the plus side of the zero-sum game.