Displaying text on graph

thread: Displaying text on graph

  1. #1
    Junior Member juanferblazforex's Avatar

    Displaying text on graph

    I have been trying to show text with terrible results. Maybe somebody can give me a hint.

    Let us say I want to exhibit a buy signal when Stoch lt; 20
    I've the IF, and when it's true I say:
    Today, at the chart I'd like to know the price.
    I am looking for something like:
    DisplayText(Close[I], Low[I]-Stage 5)
    so that it shows exactly the price (Close[I]) below the candle (Low[I]-Stage *5)

    If there is no single control, maybe a tutorial or link?

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Junior Member bnn100's Avatar
    I believe that you will require the CreateObject (... text, loion, etc). Look at some of the indiors that do that already - they are numerous.

  3. #3
    Junior Member juanferblazforex's Avatar
    Displaying text is not the problem.
    The dilemma is how do I display it above or below the candle.

    I have attempted to search for some indior here in FF, to observe the mq4 document and see how the price is displayed above or below the candle.

    However the indiors that I've discovered that display text, take action at a certain (x,y) (like a clock along with a price screen ).

    If anybody remembers an indior using the mq4 code that displays price on candles, I would really love it.

    Thanks Beforehand.
