View Full Version : Chinas next move crucial

07-22-2005, 04:11 AM
Following the central bank left the yuan peg to the dollar and change into a mechanism, the yen strengthened. The yen strengthened to only beyond 110.0 before staging a partial retreat to close 111.0 in ancient Europe on Friday. The yen strengthened against the Euro. Volatility initially there'll also be pressure to reduce short yen positions and is very likely to stay high.

The Chinese yuan will be revalued instantly by 2.1percent to 8.11 out of 8.28 before and the government will change to some trade-weighted band. The yuan will be permitted to change in a narrow 0.3% group against the dollar with non-US dollar monies permitted to differ by 3 percent both sides of the central rate. There is uncertainty over the speed of appreciation together with the yuan stored at a group for today and the coverage will be vital for your yen. There's the possibility for more sustained pressure on Asian currencies generally and the money, when the currency is permitted to fortify further. Within this environment, there could be decreased. There'll be some speculation that flows into Asia will fall and the yen may weaken if the government resist appreciation.

Overall there's nevertheless likely to be reduced buying of US Treasuries that will tend reduce support and to support currencies. This is very likely to be an element in supplying yen support.

Resistance would reduce but there'll be a threat of intervention when markets become disorderly. The Finance Ministry has cautioned It Will do it to stabilise markets when required

Analysis provided by http://www.investica.co.uk