View Full Version : Session indior customizable

07-07-2013, 08:38 AM
Hi all
I am looking for a session indior able to show that the opening/close of the primary financial center [so frankfurt london ny tokyo sidney], possibly fully customizable, therefore whit the chance to choose which opening and which close display [such as I would like to have the possibility to observe the frankfurt opening but maybe not the frankfurt near which is not important to mepersonally, on the other hand I would like to look at the opening and shut for london, ny etc etc], along with the option to make it work only on the current day or about all of the background [which is essentially to create studies]. . .and of course which have the choice to ignore the bar.
Something like what is showed from the imaged belowe

When it is accessible then I love if anyone who's would post it , and if not then maybe a type coder could hopefully create it
Thanks and best to all.


01-30-2022, 04:22 PM
Hi Whiteout,

Hope this one will be able to help you out,
you can adjust the timing and colour manually

Happy pipping

01-30-2022, 05:43 PM
I have coded this.
Not exactly sure what you want though. I don't understand why the circled area in your chart.
I'm still working on this indior, so that I can probably make some adjustments.
You must enter the broker offset from GMT.
Note, that's GMT, not UK time since it's summertime now.
I intend to incorporate to it so it recognises as soon as the clocks change and so will automatically correct.

Edit - slightly different version from the next post

01-30-2022, 07:04 PM
This one is going to add extra lines to the right to let you see if sessions are becoming near