Hello everybody, I'm new in here and also to say the very least, this really is the very best source of Currency Market information I've come across on the web, I do not think I will waste my money on purchasing books unless its composed by a member of the forum, ty all for donating your perspectives and trading thoughts, I'd love to thank Jim for his graph analysis, I actually dint know much about graphs until I read this thread. Okay I have reside. It is worth mentioning here I have been with agents for over 5 weeks around demo accounts.

- What will urge be the first capital investment required? I have tried trading with mini demo accounts and I have discovered that starting small in Currency Market is not a good idea since it doesn't give you much space The marketplace, did and I exchanged $ 25,000 demo accounts.

- What agent is ideal to take care of? I am hoping I don't seem like I am soliciting here but from all I feel that forex.com gets the very user friendly trading platform.

- Which agent's platform creates the best graphs? I do not understand what he used for this although I like the graphs Jim.

- Could I actually trust online agents with my cash? Have there fraud episodes traders cash was a component of settlements and where agents went belly up?

- what's the perfect percentage I must target at to develop my funds with?

That is it for today Ty for all to beforehand answers.

