Hello Dealers, read the introduction below and then start on this post https://www.cliqforex.com/technical-...-crossing.html This can help save mountains of time moving through the hundreds of webpages. I am doing something special here. Thank you.

Hello Dealers,

I#8217;m ; I am a fulltime trader and exchange ratios and harmonics. I#8217;m beginning this thread with the goal of providing some insight on the topic of ratios and harmonic trading.

I know that this is an advance method of trading but let#8217;s not let that influence our ability to learn from this style of trading. I will not be giving you any resume regarding how long I#8217;ve ever been trading will I'm answering questions about my outcomes, just how many pips I make a week and all the other questions which follow suit. Let#8217;so know my response will not be equal to yours and are irrelevant to this purpose to this thread.

Outcomes have to do with all the trader then the machine traded. You may see value or you won#8217;t. If you do stick aroundand we can learn from each other. This really is a never ending journey and studying should be #1 in your priority list.

This system is based on price action, ratios and harmonics. NO indictors used or will be added. As they're not part of the system please do not post any. All traders and their thoughts deserve the upmost respect and that's the sole rule for now.

As I mentioned I am a complete time trader and my focus will be to my trading first. I will after my trading is completed to the afternoon come here to post and answer inquiries. Please let me know if there is an interest in harmonics and ratios therefore I will continue on our journey.

I welcome and phone out all harmonics and ratio traders to participate and post. I wish everyone the best in all of your endeavors.

Greatest Speeches,

I would like to thank Kilian19 to the Superb jester of Keeping a summery journal of my main post. This is a reference for all. Many thanks
