I read the document of Vegas about the tunnel that is 1hr, and 1 thing is not clear for me personally. When establishing the Fibs for your 1hr procedure, Vegas says:

When a market hits a fib amount from the current ema's, it's telling you that here is a natural stopping point, please take some profits off the table.

OK, cool, and when I look in the indior for the 1hr procedure, the Fibs are based on the EMA 169 (for your fibs around and below the tube ). My question is that the true tunnel is based on just two EMAs (144 and 169). Was 169 chosen to base of the Fibs off of? Not saying it's wrong, I just wish to be able to completely know (if possible) what the Fibs above and below the tunnel should depend on. I am not obvious, although I presume it should be 144 or 169.