I have a feeling this is a thread noone has posted. I love helping people. I know what it's like to not have any idea when it comes to know where to begin with this particular Currency Market jargen. If there's anybody that has questions they believe are too stupid to ask publically, you can PM me. If there is ask. I'll do my best to find it if I really don't know the answer. I come here everyday looking for the newbie queries to find someone ansered them. I love helping people. There have been many people that have answered my queries. People have sent me things in the mail to aid with my daily life or my trading. I have been blessed and I would like to be. I would like to give back what I have gotten. I am on my way to finacial independence and it wouldn't make me happier to help someone else on that road. Forex is a feeling that is satisifying. I would like to show anybody that needs help precisely what I am referring to.
I do not want anything in return. Nothing at all. To hear someone say exactly what I have stated is what I am searching for.

Thus, to all the People Who want help, I am here to help. Just let me know. It may take a little bit to get back to you but I promise, I'll get back to you.